Peter Marotta
Wander across more than 200 acres of forest and through a maze of thickets, following a trail that traces a small brook and passes vernal pools and other wetlands.
Dry Hill is a picturesque part of a larger landscape of contiguous forest that remains a critical habitat for large mammals. It also supports many species of woodland birds, such as the black-throated blue warbler.
Your journey takes place on a mile-long trail winding past a shallow stream, several vernal ponds, and a red maple and hemlock swamp with a diverse mix of ferns and herbs. Higher up, dry, acidic oak forest covers the upper slopes and ridgetops. Dense thickets of mountain laurel, which bloom in late June, alternate with more open areas featuring low bush blueberry, sheep laurel, starflower, bellwort, and Canada mayflower.
FREE to all
Open year-round, daily, sunrise to sunset. Allow a minimum of 1 hour.
While the property is open in the winter, please note that we do not plow the parking lot.
Old North Road (Harmon Road)
New Marlborough, MA 01230
Get directions on Google Maps.
From Great Barrington, follow Rt. 23 East 4 mil. At the intersection of Rts. 23 and 57 in Monterey, follow Rt. 57 East for 5.5 mi. to New Marlborough Center. Turn left onto New Marlborough-Monterey Rd., follow for 0.6 mi., and bear left onto Old North R. (unmarked; also called Harmon Rd.). Proceed 0.1 mi. to entrance and parking (8 vehicles) on left.
1.5 miles of trails, generally moderate.
We recommend that you download the trail map before you head out.
Great trails on a summer day plus lots of peace & quiet. Had the place all to ourselves. It is definitely a perfect hike in a quiet spot.
– Annie B, Trip Advisor