Ecological Management Guidelines

As Trustees, we want to ensure that our more than 100 reservations are here for the public to enjoy for generations to come, so we manage them in the most ecological and sustainable way possible.

But caring for our own special places is not enough. Our goal is to share what we learn with you, whether you’re a professional land manager or ecologist – or a homeowner looking to care for your yard in the greenest way possible. We hope these guidelines and policies can help direct your work as you care for special places across the Commonwealth.


Beaver Management
These guidelines explore the pros and cons resulting from beaver activity, review the regulatory framework for beaver management, and provide a management decision framework based on levels of tolerance.

Biological Controls
This policy provides guidance on releasing biological control agents to control exotic invasive species.

Grassland Management
These guidelines present key principles for protecting and enhancing the ecological values of grasslands.

The Trustees owns and manages grassland and field habitats to support ecological, scenic, cultural, and agricultural resources. Read more here.

Bartholomew’s Cobble has a mix of grasslands which provide important ecological and scenic values. Read more about our management of the grasslands here.

Gray Seals and The Trustees
Gray seals are back in Massachusetts, and with their rebound come questions of how to best manage the needs of a federally protected species with those of the thousands of annual visitors to Trustees properties.

Hemlock Wooly Adelgid
These guidelines explore the threat from hemlock woolly adelgid and control options.

Honey Bees
This policy guides when and where domestic honey bees will be allowed on Trustees properties.

This policy guides when and where hunting will be allowed on Trustees properties.

Invasive Plant Management – Guidelines and Best Practices
These guidelines explore the threats from invasive plants and provide a framework for prioritizing control efforts through either a site-based or weed-based approach.

This report includes The Trustees’ policy on mosquito management and includes information about mosquito control in Massachusetts.

Sand Barrens Habitat Management: A Toolbox for Managers
This document is a comprehensive guide to restoring and managing barrens habitats in the northeast.

Shoreline Stabilization
This policy describes The Trustees’ position on shoreline revetment and beach stabilization in cases of severe erosion.

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