About 33rd Annual Long Hill Plant Sale
The annual Long Hill Plant Sale is back for it’s 33rd year! Join us on Saturday, May 10th for this fantastic local tradition. Look through a wide selection of plants, from old favorites to rare and unusual species grown here at Long Hill.
- At 9AM, the Plant Sale will open for a Members-only preview. The general public is welcome from 10AM to 1PM. Members, please bring your membership cards so that your membership status can be easily verified.
- Please note the silent auction has moved to Friday night during the Plant Sale Preview Party, and you can buy tickets for the Preview Party here.
- We recommend bringing your own wheelbarrows or wagons to transport plants to your vehicle, if possible.
- Coffee, tea, and a selection of pastries will be available for purchase.
- This is a rain or shine event.
- Be sure to visit the gardens at Long Hill to check out where your plants originated!
Registration is not necessary for this event.