
National Trails Day

There are three ways to celebrate National Trails Day with the Trustees.

At The Trustees, we celebrate Trails every day. On Saturday, June 5 we celebrate National Trails Day. This year, we’re teaming up with our partners at REI on a cooperative action to clean up Trails across the Commonwealth. And you can join us. There are three ways to celebrate National Trails Day with the Trustees.


  1. Join one of our three clean up teams as a volunteer:
    Fork Factory Brook
    Rocky Woods
    Peaked Mountain
  2. Love the trail you’re on. Wherever you hike or walk, pick up the trash you see and remove it from the site. REI is offering DIY clean up kits to help you. Learn more.
  3. Hit the trails. Just enjoy being out on a Trustees Trail and join the Hike Trustees Challenge.