Saturday, September 21, 2024

Dyeing Fabric with Plant Materials


About Dyeing Fabric with Plant Materials

Dyeing Fabric with Plant Materials at the Leland Cooperative Garden with the Boston Food Forest Coalition

Learn how to dye fabric a variety of colors using plants commonly found in your garden or food forest! Gardener and artist Tomoko Deeney will lead this hands-on demonstration of the stages of the dyeing process at the Leland Cooperative Garden.

Whether you tend to your garden for your enjoyment or for pollinators, one way to complete their life cycle is to extract pigments from them for dyeing fiber before adding them into your compost. You truly capture and extend their essence by incorporating their colors into your life. In this workshop, we’ll go over the basics of dyeing natural fibers with plants that grow around us in season (goldenrod, dahlia, amaranth, pokeweed, walnuts, etc.). We hope to inspire you to experiment and to learn more ways that plants offer and intrigue us all!

The Leland Cooperative Garden is locatd at 2-6 Leland St in Jamaica Plain.

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